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This discography is many years in the making. Whatever its merits, this project would not be what it is without the invaluable assistance of so many who have generously shared what they know and what they own, or what they remembered from their time working with Nat Cole. Insufficient as an expression of gratitude though it may be, a note of sincere thanks is nonetheless extended to the following:
James Accardi, Steve Albin, Helen Ashford, Billie Barnum, Irv Bush, Mark Cantor, Ralph Carmichael, Brian Chidester, Hank Cicalo, Dale Corning, Adrian Daff, Louise Stuart Davis, Jan Evensmo, Michael Feinstein, Zev Feldman, Will Friedwald, Bob Furmanek, Chuck Granata, Chris Hall, George Hewitt, Steve Hoffman, Roy Holmes, Frank Hunter, Stephen A. Kramer, Clark Kauffman, Steven Lasker, Abram Loft, Alex Luke, Matt Lutthans, Martin Melucci, Keith Pawlak, Nick Rossi, Michel Ruppli, Iván Santiago, Walt Stuart, Simon Tardiff, Merrill Tritt, Richard Weize, and Joe Zito.
-Jordan Taylor